Libertarian Party of Georgia Candidates

  • If I’m not your cup of tea (or even if I am), check out others running for Georgia offices this year. We face some unique challenges with ballot access. Any help you can send to either individual candidates or to the party itself is greatly appreciated. Remember that even if you don’t plan on voting for someone, it’s important to help keep ballots open to more choices and more ideas so that voters have opportunities to make themselves heard.

Libertarian Platform

  • We are the Party of Principle. As such, we have an actual platform, which is cultivated by our members at Convention, but for the most part remains very stable year over year. The planks most relevant to this campaign are:

    • 2.2 Environment

      Competitive free markets and property rights stimulate the technological innovations and behavioral changes required to protect our environment and ecosystems. Private landowners and conservation groups have a vested interest in maintaining natural resources. Governments are unaccountable for damage done to our environment and have a terrible track record when it comes to environmental protection. Protecting the environment requires a clear definition and enforcement of individual rights and responsibilities regarding resources like land, water, air, and wildlife. Where damages can be proven and quantified in a court of law, restitution to the injured parties must be required.

    • 2.3 Energy and Resources

      While energy is needed to fuel a modern society, government should not be subsidizing any particular form of energy. We oppose all government control of energy pricing, allocation, and production.

An Overview of Georgia’s Energy Systems: this is a pretty good summary of how things work here, specifically with respect to Georgia Power.

Georgia Public Service Commission

  • The PSC are five elected officials each serving six year staggered terms. Commissioners must live in the district they represent. However, they are elected on a state-wide ballot. That means I will appear on your ballot if you vote in Georgia in November.


  • You can check any Georgia candidate’s financial disclosures here. The website is confusing. I know. I’m sorry.

Tim Echols

  • Mr. Echols is the current (Republican) commissioner for District 2 and is running for re-election for a third term.

Patty Durand

  • Ms. Durand is the Democratic candidate running for District 2. Unfortunately, shortly before qualifying, the Georgia legislature redrew PSC districts. I feel this was unfair to her and unfair to everyone who was starting up a campaign.

Russell Edwards

  • Mr. Edwards also qualified for PSC2 after being redistricted. He has however suspended his campaign prior to the Democrat primary on May 24.


The Atlanta Press Club will be holding debates for the primaries and generals this year.

Energy Matters podcast and radio show

  • This show has been a wealth of information. Hosted by Commissioner Echols, guests are from around Georgia and elsewhere, talking about new ideas and projects. It’s exciting to hear about what’s going on in the world of Energy. The most entertaining and informative parts are when the hosts disagree. BEWARE: there are many ads in this podcast (!)

The Science of Energy from The Great Courses was a wonderful review of the physics of Energy. I listened on Audible while building my beehives.

Switched On from Bloomberg

  • This is a great podcast review of current trends in the market of Energy around the world. Sometimes they make fun of America. Sometimes we deserve it. I listen to this one on Spotify.

Freeing Energy Podcast

  • This is my current favorite on Spotify. The host is also a Georgian who interviews industry leaders and talks about how we can improve our Energy issues. This episode is an interview with Commissioner Echols. But I really (REALLY) recommend this interview about CobbEMC.

Our World in Data

  • This is a great website to nerd out on. Here’s an editorial regarding fossil fuel subsidies. Here’s a compilation of data showing current trends in “green” and other energy.


  • This is a neat little website and app that show how the world is making its electricity right now.

Georgia Power

  • This is the document detailing how Georgia Power is dealing with rooftop behind-the-meter solar. Enjoy.

The Smallest Political Quiz

  • Just in case you wondered where you fell on the political spectrum. Take a look. You may be more libertarian than you thought.

A Longer Political Quiz

  • This one is much longer but covers more material. The questions involve a wide range of political topics, and will let you know which party may suit you best. There are more parties included in the results, and there seems to be less bias than the other quiz. However, many of the questions are very difficult to answer, so I ended up skipping a lot. Most political questions are more complicated and nuanced than can be elucidated on such a quiz. In fact, I think the more I’ve learned about the energy industry, the more difficult it has become to answer those particular questions along simple yes/no lines. For what it’s worth, I scored 89% Libertarian.

My Favorite Philosopher

  • This is where I found John Stuart Mill, whose essay “On Liberty” elaborates on (though does not name) the Non-Aggression Principle.

Voting Reform

  • Did you know there are other ways to vote? You don’t always have to vote for the lesser of two evils, simply because you’re afraid the “other” party might win. Join Better Ballot Georgia as we try to bring Instant Runoff Voting to Georgia.